Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Yarn Along Wednesday

Participating in Yarn Along Wednesday again...

With the holiday approaching, I've been frantically knitting holiday gifts.  Last week I started another Milo for a friend and finished it in a couple days.  Then my oldest needed a pair of mittens -stat- as the temperature was not reaching above 10 and I had forgotten to make him a pair.  He really wanted white mittens like how Baba made in The Mitten but I convinced him brown ones would work for now.  Now I am working on a last minute sweater, The Hourglass Sweater, from appropriately Last Minute Gifts.  I guess I'm reading that too now!


  1. I LOVE that yarn. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Beautiful knitting!

  2. That yarn is so pretty! I really have to look into that book ... Yours is the second blog I've visited today through the Yarn Along that mentioned it!

  3. The yarn is beautiful and I'm so impressed at how much knitting you can get done, one day I'll be faster...I think!

  4. I can't wait to peek inside that book! I've got a copy requested through the library but it is very popular and so many others are befre me :) Your knitting looks lovey and you have been very busy knitting. How wonderful :)

  5. Pretty yarn - such depth to the colors...
