Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Our family arrived home on Sunday from a long day of traveling and having a wonderful time in warm, sunny Florida.

Before we left, my computer decided to take a time out from daily life and crashed the hard drive. We dropped it off at the repAir store on our way to the airport. I was informed that it will take 4-6 weeks to repair. I nearly had a heart attack. 4 weeks without a computer!!! Thank goodness for the iPad and Nathan's wireless key card.

I ordered some fun accessories so I can load pictures and have a keyboard with the iPad and share a few moments on the beach.

I just pray that my external hard drive did the job and has all my info and more importantly all my pictures I take and never develop.

Maybe I should do that!!

1 comment:

  1. Noooo, Kristi!! How old is your computer? I wondered where you have been, lol!!
