Thursday, September 29, 2011

wash, rinse, repeat

As I went looking through my pictures for my one "Friday Moment", I noticed something quite obvious.  They are all of the same thing.  Well over 60 pictures of the same thing happening, at different times, all week.  I tried to really have a steady week.  I guess I actually accomplished that.

::I see more of me knitting.   Some frantic knitting -lots of that.  Finishing a sweater, planning a new one, doing a hat, planning some baby things and trying to be practical about it. No baby things for me though. boo.
::I see a lot of a baby in the basket.  It is charming at first.  That is until I realize he is very quiet after he ran off and I go frantically looking for him calling his name, checking the door locks, checking the water dish...only to find him in a basket.
::I see lots of crafting this week.  We made this, and this, and worked on these, in varying degrees and in varying ways.   Also some classic crayon melted leaves
::I see a a new puzzle arrived. It is much loved.  Already mastered but that doesn't matter.
::I see lots of coloring, cutting, gluing, and exploring "stuff". The littlest man is suddenly really into blocks and "knitting" with wooden spools.  Very cool to have your own needle when you are 19 months old.
::I see a certain 4 year old finally finding his artistic groove and really reveling in how many ways he can think outside the box.  It is pretty fun to watch.  I think a certain Nana will be receiving a horse that is in Florida at Aunt Pam's house in a mixed media approach with crayons, l o t s of glue, and maybe some food.  At least that is what I was told.


  1. I spy Irish Coffee! Funny, but I'm just getting ready to cast on for this in a similar gray wool. Looks beautiful!

  2. love your irish coffee! and the wooden spools for stringing...such a great idea :)

  3. I like your son's longies. And I LOVE Irish coffee!!
