A new rhythm this week -- more like a hope for a new rhythm.
Mason is in school and just the Logan and I are at home.
The later of the two will get some great therapy soon - can't wait to hear what this little man has on his mind. I might not want to though.
We are settling into very busy days of soccer, school things, routines, chores, and the best time of the day - books and bedtime. Quiet time around the table drawing, crafting, and building make for just a bit a time to settle down.
I'm passed out early myself. Single parenting takes it out on ya.
The middle man lost a tooth. I'm sad.
We got the tail end of the hurricane. Almost 4 inches after a hot, dry, miserable summer feels like we need to build an arc. There was lots of running in puddles. I wish I had my camera when Mason had his war paint on. Never a dull moment with that one.
Knitting is on my mind as I hope for cooler temps and soft woolen days. Slowly knitting a test knit sweater for a gal pal in England. Then it is onto Mason's Harry Potter sweater with yarn he picked himself.
My wee baby isn't a baby anymore. Potty learning is all the rage here. Even the changing table will have a new home tomorrow.
Love notes abound around. Mason writes all kinds of little affirmations. Sweet boy.
Very excited about some horsey time tomorrow and a little break from the home.
Getting ready for another busy week and still looking for that rhythm.
I had so many things to comment, I'd fill the page, so just ~ I love reading your blog x Keep smiling!